Ever Thought Why They Hate You? (Part 2)


This is a continuation of my previous post about why PMs are being hated.

There are good project managers as well as not so good project managers, just like good programmers and not so good programmers. If you are a project manager, you can’t always be someone that other’s would like, even if you work so hard to please them. However, if you could step back you might be able to figure out what your team needs from you, and probably might be able to avoid being hated. Following tips might help you to become part of your project team in a better way.

How to Avoid Being Hated?

Estimate with multiple people separately, and then meet to review and revise:
A reliable estimation can be gathered through a variety of people estimating the project. Estimating with different levels of experienced people from relevant disciplines (developers, QA’s, BA’s), domain specialists, and technical experts can create realistic estimations with pragmatic deliverables. Unfortunately it is not always pragmatic to estimate this way. However, consulting at least few team members and considering the team’s skill levels, can make the estimation bit accurate. Also project managers must be mindful that it is just an estimation and estimation only. In fact, it is actually a guesstimation.

Tailor the process and tools for each project and scenarios:
There is no universal solution when it comes to project management. The same process and tools which has used for previous projects might not be suitable for another project. Also some teams might prefer different set of tools that they are comfortable and productive. Value team members’ opinion when selecting a process and tools, be flexible and welcome new ideas, and don’t be afraid to customize those process and tools to go well with your project and the team.

Be part of the team:
Develop social networking skills, blend with the team as much as possible and have casual conversations whenever possible. It helps to eliminate most of the team conflicts, foresee issues and to be part of the team naturally.

Share the credit and take the blame:
Never accept credits yourself. Always share or give your teammates their due credits. It helps to gain trust, as well as a motivated team that would be more flexible to work with. When things go wrong don’t try to find the responsible person, and never pass the blame to the team, instead accept the blame yourself and focus on resolving the problem.

Develop and enhance the project management skills:
Enhance communication, negotiation, people skills and all other skills which help to manage a project successfully. Understand differences in working styles and personality of your teammates. Give them necessary freedom to carry out their activities. Trust your team and their opinion. If you do not agree or accept, give proper reasons. Communicate regularly with everyone and maintain transparency.


Photo Credits lastlemon.com

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